Sunday, January 19, 2014

December 22, 2013

This week has been quite eventful. my new comp is Elder Phelps, and he is a chill dude from Utah. Also it was Really surprising that he is coming from my first area, which was also his first area! nice! so we have talked about all the stuff from that area and ward. 
So he got here last wednesday and he totally reminds me of Seth Jones Fotheringham. we were about to go to bed and i was telling him about the weird dreams that the previous elders would have in his bed, and how they thought it was haunted. about 10 minutes later he told me his bed was shaking! hahaha well we were pretty freaked out, but we were able to fall asleep.
On saturday we had our ward Christmas party, and we got a hold of a ward members ipad (patawad) haha but we were able to take some sweet pictures! the ward had some cool dances and stuff that they put together, and sang some songs (we had to sing with some of the members) and we ate A lot of FOOD! they had a whole pig there! it was nice.
Sunday we did the normal thing, but when we went to lunch at one of our members we were talking about the first night when we were here how elder phelps had felt his bed shaking. well it turns out last week on wednesday around 10:46 there was a 4.0 earthquake! hahahahaha, we were laughing pretty hard.
having the whole ward to just us two is going pretty good, i feel like we are getting a lot of success with investigators, but its still hard sometimes haha. the investigators that come to church are the maids of  our ward members and they dont want to listen to us.
alright i am excited to skype on christmas night (for you guys) WEEW! its already been 7 months since the last time! crazy!
Love you all. -Elder Roy

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